
Hunter call of the wild diamond calculator
Hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

Similarly fractions of an inch are just as awkward when you get down to 47/64ths etc. After some research I found that ounces can be split down further into drams and grains, but this is not easy to calculate on a machine programmed to work in base 10. I feel they become unwieldy for smaller measurements. Now while I do find pounds, ounces, feet, and inches easier to visualise. Thanks to the webpages I found, I not only had the values of the metals, but also their density in lbs/ft3.

hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

Then I got to thinking about currency in general and what the actual size of a coin might be. I also noted that certain territories minted special coins that were really only usable within their borders (looking at you Waterdeep) for simplicity I have omitted these coins.

hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

The addition of Adamanatine would automatically bring a 5,000GP item (100lb of coins) or 500PP (10lb of coins) item down to just 50AP (1lb of coins). These two metals would make great high value coins, with the Mithral coin probably less common in circulation (similar to the Electrum coin). While I already knew the 4 basic coin metals, I was interested to learn that Mithral was worth 5X more than Platinum, and Adamanatine was worth 10X more than Platinum. I found a webpage detailing the values per pound (lb) of each metal in D&D. The Player's Handbook states that 50 coins weigh 1lb making 1 coin approximately 1/3oz. So I wondered what other precious metals coins might be minted from in D&D. This got me thinking, even if someone paid for high end items in Platinum, that would still be many lbs worth of coins. I listen to various D&D podcasts, and the one thing that has always bugged me is a character's ability to reach into their pockets and pay for an item that costs thousands of gold pieces. I wasn't sure I completely agreed with your gemstone sizes, I so I did wrote my own version, this is the result. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures

Hunter call of the wild diamond calculator